
Monday, 29 October 2012

5 Top interview mistakes done by freshers

Normally having your 1st job is fun as well as exciting. Fresh out of college and rearing to go is the attitude most freshers have in themselves. but soon after 2-3 interviews freshers get dejected and frustrated from constant rejections by HR departments of reputed companies.
Its time that freshers should do some self inspection before even going for their first interview. Most first interviews land as disasters as interviewers are looking for the best skill set and attitude in a candidate and fail to get in most.

Here is a list of 5 top interview mistakes done by freshers:

  1. Call the management or HR of the company and ask for CTC offered.
  2.  Boast of skills to increase expected CTC.
  3. Not knowing the exact job position offered and asking the HR or management about it.
  4. No knowledge about what company does
  5. Poor dress sense while going for an interview.
Many freshers face these mistakes and don't realize why  they have not been selected in interview.

So we say that remove all ego and attitude and go to an interview with a mind of a learner who is able to adapt to any circumstances.

1 comment:

  1. The points that you have made I completely agree with those points !! desktop alert software


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