
Thursday, 12 December 2013

How web Hosting companies fool you?

Web hosting is an integral part of when we design our website, but mostly we ignore the fact as we get it bundled in package for the first year with many of the service providers, The real crux starts form 2nd year onwards when the renewal for the entire system comes and we are astonished at the web hosting and domain cost charged by our service provider.

The fact of the matter is that due to several competition service providers start earning from the 2nd year onwards as the first year is completely expended over developing your website plus serving you for a complete year at a very negligible cost . The second year billing is mainly divided into
  1. Domain renewal cost (Currently Rs 650-Rs 1000 per year for .com domain)
  2. Web Hosting Cost (Currently Rs 1000 - Rs 5000 per year)
  3. Annual Maintenance contract (Based on fix amount or percent of development cost)
In this the companies who purely deal in domains and web hosting such as Bigrock and Godaddy, these companies are the biggest players in this field and also charge the cheapest to the customer to get more customer base. These companies mostly show their cost of hosting on per month bases

e.g: Current rate for godaddy economic hosting is Rs 219/month = Rs 2,700/year

which is not the cheapest but due to the per month value shown looks as the cheapest, These companies charge you annually so you are infact billed Rs 2,700/year and you still claim that you got the best deal.

This is the way hosting companies manipulate the prices and hide the actual cost.

Thus while selecting any hosting company or provider its always better if you ask for cost and any hidden charges that you may have to pay from 2nd year onwards for the services.

Don't be fooled for companies offering rock bottom per month prices as they always have a catch attached to them.

Friday, 6 December 2013

Trivia Softwares Offer for CA website portal

Greetings from M/s Trivia Softwares
With over 4 years experience in developing website and software for Insurance industry M/s Trivia Softwares now offers an exclusive solution to all Chartered accountants and Company Secretaries  , who want to spread information through online media.

Do you want your exclusive online Office where people will come and see services offered by you?
Create your own Professional Website !

Develop your own website  for just Rs 8,500/- New Year Offer !  inclusive of Domain and Hosting!
You will get:
·         Your own .com web address
·         10 GB web Space
·         Professional Emails (you@yourfirm.com)
·         Professional standard Design
·         Ability to add current news of your industry
·         Ability to add testimonials of your clients
·         Affordable  annual service charges (Rs 4,000/year) from 2nd year onwards
For more information on this offer! Contact us at 9819121569 or email at info@triviasoftwares.com

With Regards

M/s Trivia Softwares

Top 5 Reasons People Love Their Jobs and How You Can Love Yours, Too

It’s pretty easy to guess why 40% of employees are not engaged at work. And in your own life, you’re either in the same boat or have heard the gripes, quips and complaints from others. But what about the 60% of employees that are engaged? What is it that they love about their jobs and how can you love yours, too?
That’s exactly the question asked by TINYpulse, a company providing weekly employee surveys to over 40,000 people at 300 companies located across the globe. As an advisor to the company, I was able to get a sneak peek into some of the findings TINYpulse will be publishing on employee engagement for 2013.
To reach their findings, the company surveyed their clients’ employees, asking a relatively simple open-ended question: "What do you love about your job?" TINYpulse then tabulated and analyzed the results, identifying these top five reasons people love their jobs.

1. We the People

The number one reason cited for loving a job was coworkers. because of the people they work with. In fact, this answer was given 3x more often than the next most-cited reason.
One responder commented, "I love the people I work beside. They are practically my family."
"Great people attract great people," said TINYpulse founder and CEO David Niu. "The quality of your team can play a big role in employee happiness."
Pro-tip: If you’re looking for a job you’ll love, don’t get distracted by the perks. Instead, look for the people you want to work with. Don’t be intimidated by long interviews with multiple people. This type of interview set up gives you a good chance to meet more of the team and help you to evaluate if the role, among the already existing team members, will be a good fit..

2. Let Freedom Ring

The second leading factor in what makes people love their jobs comes under the banner of freedom. Employees cited freedom, autonomy and flexibility as key components to job satisfaction.
One employee craved "having the freedom to create, improvise and be entrepreneurial," while another stated: "I love having the freedom to experiment and fail, and still support my actions."
If you want your employees to take risks, you have to give them permission to fail
If you want your employees to take risks, you have to give them permission to fail," said Niu. Avani Pakti, who leads the health and happiness team at the global consulting firm Zevenseas agrees, also adding that freedom of expression is just as important.
"You have to proactively ask employees for their opinion on a regular basis, and allow people to speak their mind without fear."
Pro-tip: Freedom and autonomy can provide ideal working conditions, but in many cases, that responsibility has to be earned. Check out these quick tips for approaching your boss or manager with a proposal for more flexibility, if you currently have very little.

3. Culture is King

Cameron Herold, author of Backpocket COO, said culture is king and creating a desirable work environment is the most important advice he gives to CEO’s for growing a business.
Employees also rate culture highly, listing the work environment as the third most important factor for loving your job. One respondent gushed: "There are many things that I love about my job. I love the work environment. I love the camaraderie that is formed with co-workers. I love being a part of something larger that makes a difference. I love that everyone cares and that you have flexibility when needed."
And when it comes to an engaging work culture, leadership and management are who employees look to in setting the status quo.
"Many people think of work culture in terms of ping-pong tables and free snacks," said Niu. "However, I’ve found that companies who rank high on our employee happiness index have cultures that
deliver on the fundamental values of transparency, trust and communication
deliver on the fundamental values of transparency, trust and communication." The converse of this is also true and the terms "toxic," "dysfunctional" and "disengaged" came up a lot where employee ratings are low.
Pro-tip: Look for work environments where there is a strong alignment with your personal values. Ask these 4 questions to determine company culture in an interview or if you are at a company, look at the traits and characteristics of people who were recently promoted or have risen through the ranks.

4. Variety is the Spice of Life

Many respondents of the TINYpulse survey listed "variety" and "learning" as things they loved about their job. According to Duke professor Tom Katsoulea, "even lowly amoebas show evidence that boredom and unhappiness occur when subjected to repeated stimuli without new 'learning.'"
Thus, it’s in our nature to learn and seek variety. One employee said, "I love the variety. Everyday is different and I get to interact with such a varied group. It means I am always learning."
It’s also very important to provide employees with the resources, tools and training for their development. "One of our clients really engaged their employees by creating and communicating career path road maps for all of their employees," said Niu.
Pro-tip: Variety and learning are two-sides of the same coin. Learning new skills allows you to tackle more opportunities and variety provides the stimuli forcing you to learn. If you aren't currently in a position with variety, take up free online classes like learning how to code to help you pivot in a career that more aligns with your interests.

5. Do Not Limit Your Challenges

Somewhere in a company lunchroom there is a poster with rock climbers making the final ascent up a mountain. The caption reads: "Do not limit your challenges, challenge your limits."
It’s trite, but true. People want to be challenged.
It’s trite, but true. People want to be challenged. "I love that my job challenges me every day in different ways," said one respondent. Another employee wrote, "Give me MCP: mission, challenge and purpose."
In contrast, low employee engagement scores were given when words like "grind," "repetitive," "mundane" and "unchallenged" were reported.
"Leaders who are great at delegating provide both opportunity and challenges for their employees to stay engaged," said Niu. "The key is to unblock, support and provide the resources for employees to push their limits."
Pro-tip: You don’t have to think of challenges in terms of big moves and jumping off cliffs. Learn to take smaller steps quicker to get out of your comfort zone. If you want to be a better speaker, practice in a smaller meeting then in front of an audience of thousands, for instance. Then make a TEDTalk an eventual goal.
If you are looking for a job you love where you are engaged and challenged, you need to look further than compensation. For employers, get employee feedback on a regular basis. Then, listen and act.
Have something to add to this story? Share it in the comments.

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

How to install SSL Certificate on Apache Server

SSL is an essential part of creating a secure Apache site. SSL certificates allow you encrypt all the traffic sent to and from your Apache web site to prevent others from viewing all of the traffic. It uses public key cryptography to establish a secure connection. This means that anything encrypted with a public key (the SSL certificate) can only be decrypted with the private key (stored only on the server) and vice versa.

When to Use a Self Signed Certificate

You should never use a self signed certificate on an e-commerce site or any site that transfers valuable personal information like credit cards, social security numbers, etc.
An SSL certificate is necessary for more than just distributing the public key: if it is signed by a trusted third-party, it verifies the identity of the server so clients know they aren’t sending their information (encrypted or not) to the wrong person. So what is a self signed certificate? It is a certificate that is signed by itself rather than a trusted third party. Isn’t that bad? In most cases, yes. You will almost never want to use a self signed certificate on a public Apache server that requires anonymous visitors to connect to your site because they could easily become a victim of a man-in-the-middle attack. However, self signed certificates have their place:
  • Self signed certificates can be used on an Apache development server. There is no need to spend extra cash buying a trusted certificate when you are just developing or testing an application.
  • Self signed certificates can be used on an intranet. When clients only have to go through a local intranet to get to the server, there is virtually no chance of a man-in-the-middle attack.
  • Self signed certificates can be used on personal sites with few visitors. If you have a small personal site that transfers non-critical information, there is very little incentive for someone to attack the connection.
Just keep in mind that visitors will see a warning in their browsers (like the one below) when connecting to an Apache site that uses a self signed certificate until it is permanently stored in their certificate store. You should never use a self signed certificate on an e-commerce site or any site that transfers valuable personal information like credit cards, social security numbers, etc. Just lay down a few dollars on a trusted cheap SSL certificate or a free SSL certificate.

Generate Your Apache Self Signed Certificate

Great! So now you know when to use an Apache self signed certificate and when not to. Now, let’s create one: First, we need to make sure OpenSSL is installed. If you are installing the self signed certificates on Windows, grab the Windows version of OpenSSL (If you get an error when you run the installer, you may need to download the Visual C++ 2008 Redistributables listed on that page first). If you are on another type of server, try running “openssl” on the command line to see if OpenSSL is already installed. If it is not, you will need to download a package or compile it from its source.
Once you have OpenSSL installed, just run this one command to create an Apache self signed certificate:
openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout mysitename.key -out mysitename.crt
How to generate an Apache self signed certificate with OpenSSL
You will be prompted to enter your organizational information and a common name. The common name should be the fully qualified domain name for the site you are securing (www.mydomain.com). You can leave the email address, challenge password, and optional company name blank. When the command is finished running, it will create two files: a mysitename.key file and a mysitename.crt self signed certificate file valid for 365 days.

Install Your Self Signed Certificate

Now, you just need to configure your Apache virtual host to use the SSL certificate. If you only have one Apache virtual host to secure and you have an ssl.conf file being loaded, you can just edit that file. Otherwise, you will need to make a copy of the existing non-secure virtual host, paste it below, and change the port from port 80 to 443.
  1. Open your Apache configuration file in a text editor. Depending on your operating system and Apache version, it will be located in different places but you will usually find it at /etc/httpd/httpd.conf. On a Windows machine, you will usually find it at C:\Program Files\Apache\Apache2\conf\httpd.conf
  2. In most cases, you will find the <VirtualHost> blocks in a separate file in a directory like /etc/httpd/vhosts.d/ or /etc/httpd/sites/. Add the lines in bold below. <VirtualHost>
    DocumentRoot /var/www/website
    ServerName www.domain.com
    SSLEngine on
    SSLCertificateFile /etc/ssl/crt/primary.crt
    SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/ssl/crt/private.key
    SSLCertificateChainFile /etc/ssl/crt/intermediate
  3. Change the names of the files and paths to match your certificate files. Save the changes and exit the text editor.
  4. Restart your Apache web server using one of the following commands: /usr/local/apache/bin/apachectl startssl
    /usr/local/apache/bin/apachectl restart
Learn more about installing a certificate in Apache.

Check the Apache Self Signed Certificate Installation

View an Apache self signed certificate in FirefoxIf the Apache site is public, you can use our SSL Checker to verify that it is installed correctly (ignoring the warning that it is not trusted because it is self signed). Otherwise, just go to the website in your web browser using https in the address bar (https://www.mysitename.com) and verify that the certificate is being given out by the server by clicking the certificate icon (after clicking through the warnings).

Thursday, 24 October 2013

India set to launch its debut Mars mission

India set to launch its debut Mars mission


It's the Mount Everest of the solar system, conquered only by an elite group. Now India is set to join the US, Russia and Europe in the exclusive club by sending a probe to Mars, with the launch expected on 5 November.
Established in the 1960s, India's space programme has so far focused on aiding the country's developmentMovie Camera, building satellites to spot potential sources of groundwater and monitor deforestation. Then in 2008 it launched Chandrayaan-1, a lunar orbiter, and now has plans for further probes to study the moon and space weather.
These projects may seem divorced from India's development goals, but could lead to spin-off applications in areas like remote sensing and shape a new generation of scientists and engineers, says K. R. Sridhara Murthi, who worked at the Indian Space Research Organisation for nearly 40 years.
The main goal of the $73 million Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM) is to prove that India can put a working probe into Mars orbit. That is no small feat – more than half of all Mars missions so far have failed. "It's a stretch goal," says Scott Pace, director of the Space Policy Institute at George Washington University in Washington DC.
One big challenge will be making sure the spacecraft's electronics function reliably in the harsh temperature and radiation conditions at Mars, he says. This was a problem for Chandrayaan-1, which discovered water on the lunar surface but died more than a year early because its electronics could not withstand the heat radiated from the moon.

Quest for methane

MOM should also help to unravel some of the planet's mysteries. It will carry five scientific instruments, including a methane sensor to try to pick up the gas in Mars's atmosphere. On Earth, methane is mainly produced by life, so there was a stir when Earth-based instruments and a European probe detected traces of it in Mars's atmosphere a decade ago. Some are sceptical of those results, believing they were triggered by methane in Earth's atmosphere or perhaps water in Mars's, and recently NASA's Curiosity rover added to the scepticism by finding no methane when it breathed in the Martian air. "I'd say the data are equivocal at the moment," says John Mustard of Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island.
MOM may also help reveal how Mars became a cold, dry planet, with an atmosphere too thin to support liquid water for long periods. Gaping canyons and river-like channels point to large amounts of water – and therefore a thick, warming atmosphere – in the past. A study published this week suggests a form of natural geoengineering was partially responsible for the red planet's global cooling.
NASA's MAVEN mission, also due to launch next month, will tackle that same puzzle, but with a larger suite of instruments. "To have India executing a successful orbiter mission would be great for space science," says Mustard.


Monday, 21 October 2013

How to Use Facebook for Business

How to Use Facebook for Business


Whether you are looking to use Facebook for business advertising or truly want to interact with customers or potential clients, do not underestimate the power of Facebook to promote your business.
Facebook Share Button While it may seem that most people are only there to search for their high school buddies or for playing online video games, Facebook cannot be ignored as a business opportunity.
It can be used for marketing your products, landing new client work and connecting with your customers.
According to a 2010 report by Palo Alto Networks,
"Employees at 96 percent of corporations it surveys use some kind of social media application -- virtually all of them Facebook."
So if this many people are using it? It is a business marketing opportunity that should not be ignored.
The easiest way to get started is to start a Facebook group or a Facebook fan page for your product, brand or business. Then add basic information to the group or fan page such as links to your company’s website and other business information.
Then check in often to post upcoming events, helpful information, answers to questions or anything to make your new fans feel more connected to your business!


Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Car Pool: The future of inter city travel

With rising price of petrol and diesel it will soon become uneconomical to travel alone with our own vehicle, But at the same time we will not like to forgo the comfort of traveling in our own vehicle. Here comes the solution: Carpool.
Carpool helps to preserve and conserve resources both individually and is good for the envoirnment too, How you might ask?
Well today there are more than 40 Million cars in India and India being the world's second most populated country means that soon India will have more cars than most European countries.
With a population of 1.4 billion people it is carpoolarena.com believes that everyone should have access to affordable transport, and that being on the road can still be cheap, green and fun. By sharing a ride, people save gas and money, reduce auto emissions and meet new friends. Pollution, traffic, parking and road maintenance are reduced. People can share experiences and help each other: everyone benefits!
While Carpooling provides such benefits its also creates monitization of resource to the car owners as they can share the cost of travel between their passengers. Passengers on the other hand are benefited by traveling in comfort without the stress provided by traveling in a public transport.

Thus Car pool will benefit all users of the system

Monday, 19 August 2013

Indian Rupee Falls to a record low! Is Indian Government sleeping?

Indian Rupee is falling to a record low of Rs 62.42 to the US Dollar this Monday and still the Indian Government is finding helpless to do anything! India is losing its credibility as a global power as it seems powerless to defend its currency. International investors are now fleeing the market as government is unable to take concrete steps to reverse the flow of capital. Will the Rupee touch 65 in next 1 month? Only time will tell.

Friday, 9 August 2013

Trivia Softwares Launches a new Website: www. ibos.co.in

Trivia Softwares has launched a new website for a KPO based in Mumbai known as Integrated Back Office Solutions Pvt Ltd. The website  is a simple but professionally designed website for a KPO based business.

Thursday, 4 July 2013

New Nigerian Scam on the lose

New Nigerian scam is on the loose. We get request for some of our services from these scamsters and request to pay money. They ask for email address and bank account details.

Please never give these details to them as they will use these to pull all the money out of your bank

Please be very careful of this number 00447700084386

With regards

Tuesday, 25 June 2013

47% graduates in India are unemployable for any job: Report

47% graduates in India are unemployable for any job: Report


NEW DELHI: At least 47% of graduates in India are not employable for any industry role, according the latest report by employability solutions firm Aspiring Minds.

The report is based on a pan-India study of 60,000 graduates across colleges.

According to the report, 47% graduates are not employable in any sector of the knowledge economy. The employability of graduates varies from 2.59% in functional roles such as accounting to 15.88% in sales-related roles and 21.37% for roles in the business process outsourcing (BPO/ITeS) sector.

A significant proportion of graduates, nearly 47%, were found not employable in any sector, given their lack of proficiency in English and cognitive skills.

Since a graduation degree is considered a pathway to a job in the knowledge economy, substantive intervention at the school and college level is needed to improve basic skills of students. A renewed focus on vocational training should be re-emphasised, said the report.

The employability varies from role to role based on varying degrees of proficiency required in language and cognitive skills.

For an analyst's role, close to 84% graduates were found to lack the right levels in cognitive ability, while 90% graduates did not have the required proficiency in English communication. As a result, less than 3% of India's graduates remain unemployable across different job profiles. These numbers change dramatically for a teaching role or a sales or support role in the industry.

Over 40% employable graduates are beyond the top 30% colleges and have no way to signal their employability to potential recruiters.

41% of graduates employable in accounting roles hail from colleges beyond the top 30% colleges, whereas for the IT services sector this percentage is 36%.

Despite being employable, these students have no way to signal their employability to recruiters who end up recruiting only from reputed colleges and universities.

"This study is a first of its kind for three-year degree graduates across India evaluating employability for major roles being offered by industry. The alarming statistics of nearly half of the country's graduates not being employable in the knowledge economy needs great attention with interventions at both the school and higher education levels," Varun Aggarwal, co-founder, Aspiring Minds said in a statement. 

Monday, 13 May 2013

Trivia Softwares launches new LIC agent website nimkarwondergrowth.com

M/s Trivia Softwares has launched a new website for LIC insurance agent and financial adviser. The name of the company is Nimkar Wonder Growth Investments  . The owner of the site is Mr. Devendra Nimkar who is a trusted LIC agent from last 23 years. He has his business located in Thane city. He deals into LIC insurance policies, Mutual funds, Corporate Financial planning and personal financial planning.

The website is a simple and easy to navigate.

Monday, 1 April 2013

Quality of entry-level talent worries IT companies

Quality of entry-level talent worries IT companies


MUMBAI: Indian companies are increasingly complaining about the lack of quality talent at the entry level and more so in the IT/ITeS services space which recruits fresh graduates in huge numbers. According to a research conducted by a consulting firm, the findings of which were exclusively shared with TOI, only students from tier 1 engineering colleges, like the IITs and NITs, which constitute 4.5% of the overall engineering graduates, are fit to work in software products firms like Microsoft and Google given the kind of skills these companies need. On the other hand, 45% of students from tier 1, 2 and 3 colleges are employable by IT/ITeS services companies like Infosys and Wipro, reflecting the hiring challenges these technology firms grapple with in a fast-changing industry.

Overall in 2012, nearly 51 lakh students graduated in India, out of which 45.7% were from the arts stream, said Knowledgefaber, a Bangalore-based research & consulting firm.

Engineering and technology graduates made up 3.56 lakh of the overall talent pool at the graduate level. However, Knowlegefaber's research found that there are huge regional imbalances in the availability of engineering graduates. Four states (Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Maharashtra) together have more than 70% of these graduates. To add to this concern is the question raised on the quality of engineering schools in India and the quality of graduates coming out of these colleges, said the research.

"Customer needs are changing and technology developments are placing greater demand on the industry. Outstanding interface skills, deeper domain knowledge and awareness of the business context has become a 'must have' for today's professionals. Not all colleges that churn out students have been able to build these skills into their curriculum, thereby necessitating companies to bridge the skill gaps and bring about standardization of capability, among students hired from different parts of the country," said Hari T, chief people officer at IT services firm Mahindra Satyam.

This is the reason why companies will have to hunt for talent beyond the IITs and NITs. "Across industries, companies are looking to hire from tier 1 engineering colleges but the competition is very high and it represents less than 5% of the overall talent pool. We feel it is best recommended to look at talent in tier 2 and 3 cities," said Amit Goel, CEO, Knowledgefaber.

Computer science and IT accounts for nearly 32.5% of the fresh engineering talent in India while electronics and mechanical stream comes in second and third with 21.8% and 17.7% of students opting for these streams, respectively.

Sangeeta Lala, senior VP & co-founder at TeamLease Services, said, "IT graduate freshers are not usually skilled with new technologies like cloud computing, making them a less preferred option for companies. These companies would then look to internal scaling or experienced candidates who are readily deployable with the knowledge of new technologies."

Many IT firms have set up huge training facilities to help these graduates scale up, which experts say is the way forward. Also, they have facilitated tailor-made courses to bring about the right talent on board. "Through new hybrid models, corporates are sponsoring academic institution-specific courses, selecting the students as per their needs, providing the content and course material related to their industries and business, which is actually increasing the possibilities of employment for students," said Sunil Goel, MD , GlobalHunt India, a recruitment firm. 

Saturday, 30 March 2013

Fake rupee notes on the rise, in India and abroad

Fake rupee notes on the rise, in India and abroad 


It is a battle bank tellers seem to be winning. They spotted 5.2 lakh fake notes in 2011-12 compared with 4.4 lakh notes in 2010-11. In percentage terms, data from RBI show, there was a 19.6 per cent rise in the number of counterfeit currency notes detected in 2011-12 over the previous year.
Not that the counterfeiters are discouraged. On an average, around 3.9 lakh fake currency notes were found every year between 2007-08 and 2011-12, according to an RBI research paper put out last week.
The more enterprising are palming off the fakes abroad. RBI data show that the value of fake rupee notes impounded in Switzerland’s banking system trebled in 2011 over the previous year.
In terms of the number of pieces of counterfeit currency impounded, the Indian rupee is not at the top, with more US dollar, euro and Swiss franc notes caught by bankers. But it was significantly higher than the number of British pound, renminbi, rouble and rand clones impounded. Until 2009, the number of fake Indian currency notes detected in Switzerland was minuscule compared to other currencies. But in 2010, there was a sharp rise in the number of rupee notes impounded at 212 and in 2011, a five-fold jump to 1,144.

Beware the Rs 100 notes

Also, contrary to the general practice of suspecting Rs 500 notes, you should be wary of Rs 100 notes, the data show. These account for 56 per cent of the counterfeit bank notes detected in India.
The Rs 500 denomination notes made up a third of counterfeits detected. Notes of Rs 1,000 denomination accounted for 5.2 per cent, but even fake notes of Rs 10, Rs 20 and Rs 50 denomination have been detected.


Friday, 8 March 2013

New Website launched by Trivia Softwares:applekidspreschools.com

M/s Trivia Softwares has launched new website for Pre School based in Thane. The new website is called Apple Kids Pre School

The website is simple package website

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